Faith Ruth Imokel
Uganda, supported By Yoast

“Receiving the accommodation reimbursement for WordCamp Entebbe 2023 meant a lot to me. It was not just financial support but also a recognition of my contribution and dedication to the WordPress community. This support allowed me to focus on preparing for my talk and fully engage with other attendees during the event. It alleviated the financial burden of accommodation expenses.
“It encouraged me to continue my involvement in the WordPress community and motivated me to further explore opportunities for sharing my expertise in the future.”
SiNC Speaker, Cohort One
Joe Simpson, Jr.
USA, Supported by MasterWP

“Joe Simpson, Jr. here. Part of the lead sextet for this past WordCamp US at National Harbor Maryland. I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for all the incredible work you did for the event with Support Inclusion in Tech.
“Now, I know getting to events is difficult enough. But imagine being a speaker and wanting to attend but not being sponsored. Room and board. Airline fares. And all the necessities that it will take to get you to the event and function during the event are sometimes prohibitive just because of costs.”
“It’s so important to make these voices heard and to make these events as inclusive as possible.”
Bud Kraus
USA, Supported by
Berry Interesting ProductionS

“WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens, Greece was not just another memorable WordCamp for me. It was the fulfillment of a long-held dream. Ever since I started watching streams of WCEU I thought, ‘How cool would it be to go to WordCamp Europe one day?’
“Not only did that happen, I was chosen to speak on the topic Using Low Vision As My Tool To Help Me Teach WordPress. I was able to highlight two important concerns in the WordPress Community – having a physical disability and teaching WordPress. It felt pretty special to talk about something that matters to me within the WordPress community.”